173K views · 10K reactions | This might come as a surprise for some of you… You don’t need a bunch of fancy machines to get a solid leg workout. What you need…IS TO TAKE ACTION! Grab a piece of junk mail and use it as a slider. If you have furniture sliders, or paper plates, they will work just as well. Toss it on the ground and get to work!! Keep that knee inline with your two big toes and don’t slide out too far!! FYI….It’s a LOT EASIER going out than it is bringing it in. (So use a wall or a countertop to help you!) This is a great home workout that doesn’t require much equipment at all. Add these to some of my other videos and you will have a complete workout!! 📌 SAVE to practice later! ❗️Follow @thehealthyyinzer for more tips! 🙏 . . . . . . #glutes #quads #legworkouts #quadworkout #homeworkout #homeworkoutideas #workout #sliderworkout #reels #fitnessreels #legdayworkouts #steelcity #workoutvideos #workoutfromhome #thighworkout #flatass #homeworkouts | Nick Venuti | Expert Personal Trainer | Yoga Pilates | Chef

173K views · 10K reactions | This might come as a surprise for some of you… You don’t need a bunch of fancy machines to get a solid leg workout. What you need…IS TO TAKE ACTION!  Grab a piece of junk mail and use it as a slider. If you have furniture sliders, or paper plates, they will work just as well. Toss it on the ground and get to work!! Keep that knee inline with your two big toes and don’t slide out too far!!  FYI….It’s a LOT EASIER going out than it is bringing it in. (So use a wall or a countertop to help you!) This is a great home workout that doesn’t require much equipment at all. Add these to some of my other videos and you will have a complete workout!!  📌 SAVE to practice later! ❗️Follow @thehealthyyinzer for more tips! 🙏 . . . . . . #glutes #quads #legworkouts #quadworkout #homeworkout #homeworkoutideas #workout #sliderworkout #reels #fitnessreels #legdayworkouts #steelcity #workoutvideos #workoutfromhome #thighworkout #flatass #homeworkouts | Nick Venuti | Expert Personal Trainer | Yoga Pilates | Chef


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