Living Healthy Products LWP-001-01 Leg Wedge Pillow –

Living Healthy Products LWP-001-01 Leg Wedge Pillow –

TheLeg Wedge Pillow is a dual-purpose state of the art wedge pillow thatcombines the pressure relieving support of memory foam with thecomfortable and soft feeling of cotton velour fabric. The hourglassshape contours to your body and offers support between the knees orthighs, releasing the pressure and tension from your back and hips asit aligns your spine in the correct position. Your back muscles arerelaxed. It moves with you as you turn from side to side throughout thenight without the need for straps, assuring you a good night sleep andpain free mornings. This leg spacer pillow makes side sleeping much more comfortable and itis the perfect pregnancy pillow for moms-to-be who must sleep on theirsides as their pregnancies progress. This versatile pillow unfolds intoa comforting leg elevation pillow and relaxes you as the supportivememory foam hugs and cradles your legs. It is the perfect combinationfor the reduction of swelling and discomfort of varicose veins.Pressure points on your lower extremities are reduced promoting bettercirculation in the legs, creating optimal blood flow to your legs andfeet, reducing aches, pains and muscle cramps. Dimensions: 24 x 19 x 3 Bag. Length: 21. Material: Memory Foam Pillow – Velour Cover.- SKU: LGHP077


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